Installing Node.js on Linux
Node.js is a runtime environment that allows JavaScript to be executed directly on the operating system. This enables the use of JavaScript to develop server-side applications. In some Linux distributions, the Node.js implementation may not be properly maintained and may lag from the releases of its official website. The following procedure shows how to manually acquire and install Node.js in order to have the most recent packages. ========== 1. Download the desired Node.js version. 1.1. Node.js x64 and other 64-bit Long-term Support (LTS) user@host: $ wget [ ersionNum ] /node-v [ ersionNum ] -linux-[CPU64].tar.xz user@host: $ tar -xf node-v [ ersionNum ] -linux-[CPU64].tar.xz user@host: $ cd node-v [ ersionNum ] -linux-[CPU64] 1.2. Node.js x64 and other 64-bit previous LTS user@host: $ wget [ ersionMaj ].x /node-v[ersionNum]-linux-[C...